#241: Change the Plan

December 1, 2023

Our churches are losing touch with the pulse of modernity. When probed on their absence, the resounding echo we hear is the lamentation of irrelevance. It’s a wake-up call, a clarion cry demanding our attention. But amidst the challenge lies a beacon of hope, a pathway illuminated by the timeless wisdom of God’s word.


The truth remains steadfast: God’s message transcends time, space, and generational gaps. Yet, as stewards of this divine message, it’s incumbent upon us to bridge the chasm between tradition and innovation. If we are to resonate with Generation Alpha and the families who shepherd them, a paradigm shift beckons. It’s not about diluting the gospel’s essence but rather about reframing its delivery for contemporary hearts and minds.


Imagine a church experience that seamlessly integrates ancient truths with modern sensibilities, where the rich tapestry of tradition interlaces with the vibrant hues of innovation. This is the vision that propels us forward, a vision anchored in reverence for the past and an unwavering commitment to relevance for the future.


To embark on this transformative journey, we must engage in introspection, questioning not the sanctity of God’s word but the efficacy of our methodologies. It’s a call to reexamine, to recalibrate, and to reinvent. Let us embrace creativity as a sacred tool, harnessing the power of technology, storytelling, and community outreach to breathe new life into age-old narratives.


The task before us is daunting, but the promise it holds is immeasurable. As we embark on this voyage of rediscovery, let us remember that the essence of Christianity lies not in stagnant tradition but in dynamic transformation. Together, let us pave the way for a church that stands as a beacon of relevance, a sanctuary where every generation finds solace, inspiration, and belonging.


Janine McNally stands at the forefront of understanding and empowering Generation Alpha. With a passion for nurturing young hearts and minds, Janine brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table.


Formerly a dedicated high school educator in her homeland of Australia, Janine seamlessly transitioned into pastoral ministry alongside her husband. Together, they have dedicated themselves to serving their community, enriching the lives of children, and equipping parents and leaders for the journey ahead.


As the driving force behind Grace4Kidz, a nonprofit organization committed to fostering gospel-centered resources for children, Janine embodies the spirit of compassion and advocacy. Her role as Director of Operations not only showcases her organizational prowess but also underscores her unwavering dedication to uplifting children’s ministry leaders and parents alike.


Janine’s journey is one marked by a relentless pursuit of understanding and enlightenment. Armed with a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and currently pursuing her doctorate at Grace School of Theology, she continues to delve into the depths of knowledge, seeking to unravel the intricacies of Generation Alpha and their spiritual needs.


This episode is brought to you by Saving Grace, one of the many levels of learning at Grace Center for Spiritual Development (GCSD).


At GCSD, our vision is to develop spiritual leaders in every nation who can teach others about the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost. We aim to provide a variety of exciting ways for you to engage with God’s Word and to be trained and equipped to be a spiritual leader in your sphere of influence.


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