Whether you are fearful, doubtful, angry or sad, the Psalmist David has been there, and wrote a song to tell about it. Over the next six weeks you will have opportunity to hear powerful and insightful messages based on Psalms, entitled, Songs of Praise. Today’s message, based on Psalm 3, will no doubt turn your heart to praise!

You would likely agree that it is easy to love those who love us, those who are like us, but Jesus said, “Love your enemy.” What if someone has badly hurt us or those we love? Jesus said to love them. How do we do that? Today, Scot Pollok, our guest and lead pastor of Faith Bible Church, shares another gift inside of grace that will help us to love even our enemies.

Are you certain you will spend eternity with Jesus? Many people, including those who profess to be Christians, will answer that question, “Well, I hope so.” Because of God’s grace, we can know so! Today’s message from Scot Pollok, lead pastor of Faith Bible Church, may be the most important message you will ever hear since you first believed in Christ for salvation.