Instructions for living by grace will be helpful if the world is to be drawn to Christ by our testimony and deeds. What is the ministry of grace we’ve been given made possible, by Christ alone? How are we to be ministers of grace, shedding Christ’s light in this dark world?  Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will help us with these questions, and prepare us to take Christ to the nations, in this last message of our series, Life of Glory.

At the core of a life of glory, is unbroken fellowship and intimacy with God.  So, how do we nurture our lives to insure that our fellowship with the Lord is unbroken, and to increase our intimacy with Him?  Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, believes there are two pillars that will guard our fellowship and intimacy with Christ. In this podcast, Mark shares the value of worship and prayer. 

The Holy Spirit is often ignored, or misunderstood, in Christian circles today.  Without His help, however, we can never pursue holiness in a manner that brings honor and glory to God. And yet, that is our purpose and calling to do so during our life on earth.  So who is the Holy Spirit? Why is He called Holy? What role does He have in the Trinity and in our lives today?  Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will address these very important questions as we continue our series, Life of Glory. 

Perhaps with the Apostle Paul you ask,  “Why do I do the things I know I shouldn’t do, and don’t do the things I should do?” Why is this a dilemma for every human alive, even Christians? Because the flesh is weak, Scripture tells us. What exactly is “the flesh?” How can the flesh be defeated for me to walk triumphantly with Christ, in a life of glory?  Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will take us to Scripture for the answers to those questions.

There is an identity crisis in the world. What difference could our lives make in the world if we grasped our true identity in Jesus Christ? What if we understood that we are no longer bound by sin and can freely present our lives to the Lord, for His purposes and glory? The answer is, we can! Today, Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, brings a powerful message to tell us how, as part of our series on A Life of Glory.

“Show and tell” isn’t limited to our elementary school days. Have you considered the fact that believers who follow Christ are to “show and tell” every day? What are we to show? What are we to tell? As we continue our series on A Life of Glory, Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will guide us through scriptures that clearly define the incredible object of our display, and the One who brings triumph to our story.

Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going? These questions have plagued mankind from the beginning, and all three stem from the need to know our purpose. Understanding our position in Christ first – before we consider our condition or behavior – is vital if we are to fulfill the purpose to which God has called us.

The Christian life is not only difficult; it is impossible apart from God’s amazing grace. We are commanded to reflect God’s glory, but realize we can never conform to His character on our own. But did you know that God has given us multiple gifts of grace to help us conform to His image? Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will enlighten us today on the gifts of grace that make it possible for us to reflect God’s glory!

We look at the world, and at our own lives and say, “I don’t think this is the way it’s supposed to be.” Darkness is in us, and all around us, but that was not God’s plan. So what happened? And more importantly, what is God’s solution to return us to our design? As we continue our series on A Life of Glory, Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will shed biblical insight on this predicament and God’s remedy.