How can people in different countries around the world study the Bible through their cultural lens and still arrive at the same interpretation? Dr. Ezekiel Serrato, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology, joins us to share about the importance of biblical hermeneutics and his experience leading seminary courses with students across the globe.

What kind of future can believers in Christ Jesus look forward to? We end our series on the End Times with Dr. Joe Wall, Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology and author of the book “Going for the Gold.” Discover the amazing things revealed in the Bible about our home in eternity and the importance of these revelations to our lives today.

How could a loving God send people to eternal punishment? This is just one of the many questions surrounding the events that will happen in the end times. Join Dr. Dave Anderson as he helps us navigate through what is revealed in the Bible so that we might better understand the urgency of sharing the love of Christ with the world today.

In the third episode of our end times series, we begin unpacking the millennial kingdom, a controversial topic that has been the subject of much debate. Dr. Dave Anderson walks us through the different views about this event, how these views came to be, and how what we choose to believe has an important impact on our faith and daily lives.

In the second episode of our end times series, Dr. Dave Anderson talks about the second coming of Christ and how it differs from the rapture. He walks through biblical prophecies that describe what happens prior to Christ’s return and shows how God will continue to manifest His grace and love for humanity.

What does it take to become game-changing Christians today? We continue our discussion with Dwight Edwards, author of “Game-Changing Christianity,” with a focus on the battlefield we are called to as Christ followers. We unpack the weapons that the early Christians used to impact their world and how we can use the same tools to make a difference today.