Did you know that believers are called to live in such a way that we make the invisible Christ visible to the watching world? Dwight Edwards, pastor and best-selling author, joins us to discuss the provision God has made for every believer to reveal His “spectacularness.”
Imagine living every day on earth with purity, passion, and power! If you belong to Jesus, that is the life He intended for you. Dwight Edwards, a pastor and best-selling author, joins us to introduce the provision Christ has made for us to live the supernatural life now.
Heaven is not about floating on clouds or earning our wings as man might portray. Dr. Joe Wall, author of “Going for the Gold” and professor at Grace School of Theology, joins us this week to give a glimpse of what God has in store for believers and the opportunities that exist for rewards.
If our eternity as believers is secure, will we have to give an account for our earthly life? And if so, for what purpose? In this week’s episode, we gain answers to these questions as we discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ with Dr. Joe Wall, author of Going for the Gold and Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology.
If our eternity as believers is secure, will we have to give an account for our earthly life? And if so, for what purpose? In this week’s episode, we gain answers to these questions as we discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ with Dr. Joe Wall, author of Going for the Gold and Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology.
Imagine serving God in a country where daily threats of persecution exist. Add the obstacles of illiteracy and poverty, and you have a picture of the challenges faced by our guest, Pastor Anise. A student of Grace School of Theology, Pastor Anise is a church planter and youth camp coordinator in a country that is 96% Muslim. Today you will hear his incredible story about the work of our incredible God.
What is needed to secure eternal life? Confession? Repentance? Perseverance in good works? Could it be that passages we assume tell us how to get to heaven aren’t meant for that purpose at all? Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, will help listeners clear the cobwebs of confusion by offering scriptural support for faith alone in Christ alone as the means for receiving eternal life.
“What must I do to be saved?” is perhaps the most important question to be asked, but even more important, is the answer given in response. Dr. Dave Anderson, President of Grace School of Theology, joins us to expose inaccuracies in sharing the gospel to help listeners present a message that is biblically correct.
Is Scripture clear regarding “faith alone in Christ alone” for salvation? What about repentance? What about good works? Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, takes us to Scripture to find the answers to these life-changing questions.
If God is sovereign over all creation and mankind, what is His role in government? Does God care about the political process? Does He intend for believers to be involved? Dr. Ken Wilson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Grace School of Theology, joins us to discuss God’s priorities in government as well as his book, The Moral Mandate to Vote.