The Holy Spirit is often ignored, or misunderstood, in Christian circles today. Without His help, however, we can never pursue holiness in a manner that brings honor and glory to God. And yet, that is our purpose and calling to do so during our life on earth. So who is the Holy Spirit? Why is He called Holy? What role does He have in the Trinity and in our lives today? Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace, will address these very important questions as we continue our series, Life of Glory.
God commands us in 1 Peter 1:16, “Be holy, because I am holy.” If we are to reflect God’s glory, we must conform to His character, which is holy. How is it possible for us, in our weakness, to be holy?
#88: Examine Yourself
- April 24, 2018
- Tagged as: assurance, Carmen Pate, examine, Fred Chay, salvation
One Scripture verse often quoted as basis of casting doubt on a believer’s assurance of salvation is 2 Corinthians 13:5-6. Paul writes, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – Unless indeed you are disqualified.” But is Paul talking about our justification before Christ, or something else? Our guest, Dr. Fred Chay, Dean of Doctoral Studies and Professor of Theological Studies at Grace School of Theology brings clarity to this passage.
#87: Known by Our Works
- April 17, 2018
- Tagged as: Carmen Pate, Fred Chay, judgment, Righteous, Works
Jesus Christ’s judgment of works is certain for believers, and for non-believers. Understanding that these are two separate events with two very different purposes is vital for how we live today. Dr. Fred Chay, Dean of Doctoral Studies and Professor of Theological Studies at Grace School of Theology, explains the difference.
The return of Jesus Christ is a sure thing and that certainty gives us an opportunity of a lifetime. He will come first for His church, and return with His church to set up His earthly kingdom. In light of Christ’s imminent return, how do we prepare? How do we make our life now count for eternity?
Much is said about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the story is not complete without talking about the ascension of Christ. Where did He go? Is He coming back? If so, how should that knowledge affect my daily life now?
What was it like to be among the first who encountered the risen Christ? Our guest Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace School of Theology, will take us back to the Scripture to consider, not only the excitement and joy, but also the fear and doubt from those first encounters.
The celebration of Christ’s resurrection is our hope for eternity with Him. But before celebration are the reality and the pain of the cross. Today, Mark Rae, Vice President of Community Development at Grace School of Theology will take you there, to see who else was at the cross, and why.
Grace Theology’s foundation was first laid around 180AD. So why have competing ideas with historically and contextually unstable foundations gained a strong foothold in churches around the world, dismissing Grace Theology as something new and eccentric? Dr. Ken Wilson takes listeners on a historical journey to separate fact from fiction.
Our definition of words or phrases we commonly use as Christians may be influenced by our church tradition or other influences. But what if our understanding is incorrect? “Faith that saves” is one such phrase that if understood wrongly has eternal consequences! Dr. Dave Anderson will help us with common errors of interpretation so we may be confident in what the Bible teaches.