In this episode, we continue our series on the new book entitled Position and Condition, an exposition of the Book of Ephesians. Its author, Dr. Dave Anderson, is back with us to discuss the gaps that may exist in our daily walk and how we can better align our behavior with our belief.
What does it mean to be sealed by the Spirit? With our special guest Dr. Dave Anderson, we answer this question and more as we discuss the role of the Trinity in determining our eternal position.
What are the heavenly blessings we have been given and how do we conduct our lives accordingly? Today we continue our discussion with Dr. Dave Anderson about his book “Position and Condition” and what it means for believers in Jesus Christ…
#73: Christ, Our Joy (Encore)
- September 5, 2017
- Tagged as: Advent, Carmen Pate, grace, jot, leukemia, Saving Grace
Holidays are traditionally a time of celebration, but for people who are going through tough times, it can be hard to feel joyful. In this encore episode, we are blessed to have our regular host, Carmen Pate, share about her ongoing battle with leukemia and how she continues to experience joy in the midst of trials.
Whatever happened to grace? Why does it seem to be missing in the teaching of many churches today? How does the faith factor make a difference? Our guest is Dr. Dave Anderson, President of Grace School of Theology, who will explain the motivating factor of faith alone and what it means to live a “thank you” life.
Does God really want us to “count it all joy” when we face tough times? Dian Sustek, author of “Finding Joy in the Journey,” shares her powerful testimony about choosing joy in the midst of trials.
Did you know that believers are called to live in such a way that we make the invisible Christ visible to the watching world? Dwight Edwards, pastor and best-selling author, joins us to discuss the provision God has made for every believer to reveal His “spectacularness.”
If our eternity as believers is secure, will we have to give an account for our earthly life? And if so, for what purpose? In this week’s episode, we gain answers to these questions as we discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ with Dr. Joe Wall, author of Going for the Gold and Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology.
It was the question the Philippian jailer asked when God used an earthquake to break the chains of his prisoners, Paul and Silas. And it is the question millions have asked for centuries since. “What must I do to be saved?” is perhaps the most important question to be asked, but even more important, is the answer given in response. Dr. Dave Anderson, President of Grace School of Theology, joins us to expose inaccuracies in sharing the gospel to help listeners present a message that is biblically correct. (ENCORE)
How does our view of God’s sovereignty affect our view of salvation? Dr. Ken Wilson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Grace School of Theology, is our guest as we explore the issues of free will, foreknowledge, and God’s amazing grace.