Discover the profound blessings given to us in Christ Jesus. Revisit past episodes or catch up on missed programs in our archive. Join us and Mark Rae for deeper insights from the Scriptures on these incredible gifts. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

In today’s program, we explore divine gifts 16-21 with insightful commentary from Mark Rae. Missed any episodes? Visit our program archive to catch up on the transformative series of 33 divine gifts. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the rich gifts of divine grace in Christ Jesus as we delve into what it means to be free from the law, to be children of God, and to be adopted into His family. Join us in our series on the 33 gifts of believers, featuring insights from Mark Rae on gifts 7 through 9. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the deeper meanings of the Lazarus story and its relevance to our trials and doubts. Join us as Willie Gaines unpacks how God’s timing and purpose reveal a greater plan, leading to a richer understanding of His love. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Discover profound insights into navigating life’s waiting seasons with Pastor Eric Hoskin. Learn how divine holding patterns prepare us for our destiny, and why our waiting periods are not wasted, but rather essential for spiritual growth. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians, written during his imprisonment in Rome. Discover how Paul inspires believers to embrace their identity in Christ, partner in the gospel, and reflect Christ’s glory. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the timeless wisdom of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, written from prison. Join us as Mark Rae leads a deep dive into this vital message, reminding the church today to embrace the mind of Christ and rejoice in all circumstances. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the differences in Bible translations and the importance of correct scriptural interpretation for understanding salvation and assurance of eternity with Jesus. Join Dr. Dave Anderson as he delves into these critical topics, regardless of your religious background. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Explore the profound lessons in the book of Ruth. Discover the Covenant relationship and the importance of obedience in the little things with Mark Rae. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!

Discover the journey of the Magi, wise men guided by divine revelations and prophecy, who honored the newborn King with faith and gifts, unlike the doubtful King Herod. Explore their story of belief, seeking, and praise. Don’t miss this episode by Saving Grace now!