Does God’s love ever change? Today, more than ever, people need to know about the extravagant and unconditional love of God. In this encore episode, Dr. Mark Haywood returns to the podcast to share about God’s love for humanity throughout history and how we can experience His love both now and in the future.
Dr. Roger Fankhauser, pastor and president of the Free Grace Alliance, returns this week to address the human tendency to try and earn God’s love. Through an exploration of John 14:26, Dr. Fankhauser unpacks what it means to both demonstrate our love of God and experience His love more fully in our lives.
Does God really want us to “count it all joy” when we face tough times? Dian Sustek, author of “Finding Joy in the Journey,” shares her powerful testimony about choosing joy in the midst of trials.
If our eternity as believers is secure, will we have to give an account for our earthly life? And if so, for what purpose? In this week’s episode, we gain answers to these questions as we discuss the Judgment Seat of Christ with Dr. Joe Wall, author of Going for the Gold and Professor of Systematic Theology at Grace School of Theology.
How does our view of God’s sovereignty affect our view of salvation? Dr. Ken Wilson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Grace School of Theology, is our guest as we explore the issues of free will, foreknowledge, and God’s amazing grace.
When we are asked why we believe what we believe, do we have a ready answer? Grace School of Theology professor and apologist, Paco Cortez, helps us get a better understanding of the subject of apologetics, what it is, and how it can help Christians find answers to difficult questions that we may face about our faith.
Over the last year, we have been incredibly blessed to welcome listeners from 49 states and more than 80 countries. In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the Saving Grace Podcast, we are airing a special encore presentation of our debut episode entitled “Why Grace? Why Now?” Listen and rediscover how different our lives can be when we truly grasp God’s amazing grace.
Dr. Dave Anderson, President of Grace School of Theology, joins the podcast to answer a question from one of our listeners: “What does it mean to be human?” Listen as we unpack what the Bible says about concepts such as “the image of God,” souls and spirit, and how human life intersects with the spiritual realm.
Does God’s love ever change? Today, more than ever, people need to know about the extravagant and unconditional love of God. In the third episode of our Christmas series, Dr. Mark Haywood returns to the podcast to share about God’s love for humanity throughout history and how we can experience His love both now and in the future.
We live in a turbulent world, so how can we experience the peace of God in the midst of the chaos? As we continue our Christmas series, Dr. Joe Wall shares encouraging insights to help us enjoy unparalleled peace in this season and throughout the year.