Whether you are fearful, doubtful, angry or sad, the Psalmist David has been there, and wrote a song to tell about it. Over the next six weeks you will have opportunity to hear powerful and insightful messages based on Psalms, entitled, Songs of Praise. Today’s message, based on Psalm 3, will no doubt turn your heart to praise!

Does your past record – the things you have done – haunt you with guilt and a broken spirit? Is your life like a broken record? One in which your past is replayed over and over again? In this final message of Strong at the Broken Places podcast series, Mark Rae will be dealing with our broken records – the records of our past lives that can break us and bring us to our knees…

Perhaps one of the most debilitating parts of life can be summed up in one word – doubt. Doubt can destroy faith, trust, belief, and confidence when it is left unchecked and unresolved. The disciple Thomas and even John the Baptist experienced doubt that could have shattered their faith and trust in Jesus…

In the last two podcasts we have looked at trials and failures as things in life that can break us. We have seen the beauty, joy, and strength that God can bring out of those circumstances. In today’s podcast Mark Rae will share about the difficulties of suffering – the reasons for them and the responses to them as seen through the characters of Peter, David, Paul, and Christ.