Ps. Jeremy Vance, our guest speaker, says this, “As Christians, we are called to live stellar lives for Jesus”s sake. And in our minds we often think what that means is doing things like praying, or reading our Bibles, or going to church. We might do the things we think are expected of us when we follow Christ, but do we really know how to live the Christian life, how to walk with Jesus?” In this episode, you have the opportunity to get some guidance on everyday life with our Savior, from the book of Hebrews. Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.

How are believers in Jesus to respond when hated, mocked, or even persecuted? How are we to live so that our lives will draw others to know our Jesus?Join us with Scot Pollock, adjunct professor at Grace School of Theology. Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.

How are believers in Jesus to respond when hated, mocked, or even persecuted? How are we to live so that our lives will draw others to know our Jesus?Join us with Scot Pollock, adjunct professor at Grace School of Theology. Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.

There is no doubt where God stands on the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. But sadly today, we have tremendous division regarding the value of life and whether or not it should be protected. Join us with Teresa Strack, Exec. Director of LifeFirst tirelessly changing hearts and minds that every life is valuable. Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.

Parenting coaches Walt and Tammie Jurek, talks about God’s call to Godly parenting and raising godly children titled, Aiming Your Arrows. God calls parents to be good stewards of His gifts for us, including our children. How do we prepare our children to use their God-given design, strengths and gifts to change the world? Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.

Dr. Dave Anderson talks about how your view of the Millennial Kingdom is a gospel issue, and today we want to explain how that affects you. This episode aims to help us better understand this Millennium, its purpose, and the judgments involved. Don’t miss this podcast episode brought to you by Saving Grace.