Living by Grace is living a life of joy and thanksgiving. In the midst of the daily grind, there is always something to be grateful for. Get to know more about what a life of grace looks like by listening to Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President at Grace School of Theology, in this Saving Grace episode. Access this episode now!

Dr. Roger Fankhauser, pastor and president of the Free Grace Alliance, returns this week to address the human tendency to try and earn God’s love. Through an exploration of John 14:26, Dr. Fankhauser unpacks what it means to both demonstrate our love of God and experience His love more fully in our lives.

Is your Christian life a job or a joy? Find out the difference between a have-to life and a thank-you life as Dr. Dave Anderson answers questions from our podcast listeners. Dr. Anderson is the author of “Bewitched: The Rise of Neo-Galatianism,” a study on the book of Galatians, which provides an enlightening discussion about grace vs. legalism. To order your copy of the book, visit