The sovereign, all-powerful God of the universe chose to reveal Himself to mankind, but for what purpose? To draw people to a loving, eternal relationship and intimate fellowship with the triune God, whereby He receives deserved honor and glory. So how has God revealed himself? Dr. Mark Haywood, pastor and professor at Grace School of Theology, joins us to explore God’s divine revelation to mankind.

If God is sovereign over all creation and mankind, what is His role in government? Does God care about the political process? Does He intend for believers to be involved? Dr. Ken Wilson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Church History at Grace School of Theology, joins us to discuss God’s priorities in government as well as his book, The Moral Mandate to Vote.

Confusing the issue of our relationship with God and our fellowship with God causes many Christians to doubt their salvation, stealing their God-given joy. In this episode, Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, is our special guest as we discuss his book, Maximum Joy…

Whatever happened to grace? Why does it seem to be missing in the teaching of many churches today? How does the faith factor make a difference? Our guest is Dr. Dave Anderson, President of Grace School of Theology, who will explain the motivating factor of faith alone and what it means to live a “thank you” life.